Tra i vincitori del progetto europeo Euterpe Project
E.U.T.ER.PE gives opportunities of INTEGRATION and COHESION in order to promote a STRONGER COOPERATION among the cultural operators, encouraging COMMON ACTIVITIES and ARTISTIC EVENTS. At the same time the project aim to REINFORCE THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE CULTURAL SECTOR CAPABILITIES to operate trans-nationally, supporting actions enabling cultural and creative players to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their career and activities in the EU.
Prerogative of the project is to RAISE AWARENESS and SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE on traditional musical instruments and popular traditions of each partner through master class, workshops, seminars and performing arts. In collaboration with museums, school of music, companies and artisans manufacturers of musical instruments we will implement activities in order to rediscover the cultural roots of each region.
EU.T.ER.PE. chart a course over the history and traditions of Italy, Greece, Serbia and Croatia to find out contaminations or differencies. In rediscovering the cultural roots of each region and mixing them we aim to built a FUTURE COMMON EUROPEAN IDENTITY.
In Italy, Serbia, Greece and Croatia we will organize at least one concert. Local musicians or bands, famous at national level will join soloists representatives of the main excellences of traditional instrument (accordeon, lute/mandolin, tambura/woodden flute, bagpipe/lyra) who are selected at European level. In addition to main concerts we will implement other cultural activities such as Surprise concerts.
EU.T.ER.PE concerts schedeule:
Belo Platno and special guests from Serbia, Italy and Greece
Cinkuši and international special guest
Orchestrina Adriatica and international special guests
MYKONOS – Antanaclasis Festival 25/09/2015
Maria Anamaterou and the Athens Mandolin Quintet “Dimitris Dounis”